Unclaimed property

What is unclaimed property?

If you believe that you or someone upon whose behalf you are acting has unclaimed property with Investia Financial Services Inc., you can submit a search request to Investia Client Services (attention of the Unclaimed Property Coordinator).

To do so, please complete and submit the Unclaimed Property Search Requestopen_in_new form and any supporting documents to the following address:

Investia Financial Services Inc.
Client Services
1080 Grande Allée West
PO Box 1907, Station Terminus
Quebec City, Quebec G1K 7M3

If the property owner is a minor and you are the parent or guardian, please also include his or her birth certificate. If you are acting in a representative capacity for the property owner, please also submit a copy of the document which provides you with the authority to make the request (i.e., power or attorney, proxy or authorization) and a copy of a piece of the owner’s personal identification.

Please anticipate four to six weeks for a request to be processed and a claimant notified of the result. This period extends from the moment that Investia has received all documentation required for the search.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Phone: 1-888-684-5548
Email: investia@investia.ca

Provincial requirements for unclaimed property

Please note for the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick and Quebec, these provinces have enacted legislation pertaining to unclaimed property that requires reporting within a prescribed period. In the event Investia is unable to locate the owner of the unclaimed property, Investia will report the assets to the applicable province once the applicable period has been reached.

For more information on provincial requirements for unclaimed property, please visit the applicable provincial body:

  • In Alberta, unclaimed property must be delivered to the Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA), which administers unclaimed property and keeps a public register of this property for the residents of that province. For more information, please go to the TRA websiteopen_in_new
  • In British Columbia, unclaimed property must be delivered to the British Columbia Unclaimed Property Society in association with the British Columbia Office of the Comptroller General (OCG). For more information, please go to the Unclaimed Property Society websiteopen_in_new
  • In New Brunswick, unclaimed property must be delivered to the Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) which administers unclaimed property and keeps a public register of this property for the residents of that province. For more information, please go to the FCNB websiteopen_in_new
  • In Quebec, unclaimed property must be delivered to Revenu Québec, which administers unclaimed property and keeps a public register of this property. For more information, please go to the Revenu Québec websiteopen_in_new